Now we're finally launching QuietFrames® visual noise cancelling® glasses!
We know that many people have been waiting for a long time - not least us :-).
But it also makes it extra fun to be able to say that our QuietFrames® are finally here!!!
A roller coaster in so many ways. An uphill battle of analyses and big decisions before we decided. Before we realised that we would dare. Or that we couldn't help but dare. Then the breathtaking feeling on the first downhill. Let's do it, let's go for it!
Since then it has been up and down. Small and big events, some that we suspected would happen, others that we weren't prepared for at all.
But always with the firm conviction that QuietFrames® will make a difference.
So, the journey continues and we are working hard!
Initially, the delivery time is slightly longer than normal. We ask for your understanding while we fine-tune the processes.
If you want your QuietFrames® sanded according to your own recipe, you can order now, delivery starts in September.
The order list is growing and growing so don't wait if you have already decided :-)
//Thorunn & Mia