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How can QuietFrames make me more efficient?

How can QuietFrames make me more efficient?

A question that comes up a little from time to time in our customer service is how can QuietFrames make me more efficient? A very good question, we think, because of course you can wonder..
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In this post, we thought we'd try to answer why QuietFrames are so effective in maintaining focus - especially for those who are easily distracted or sensitive to impressions.

60-80% of all impressions the brain takes in come via sight

To find the answer, we need to go far back in time. Our brain is from the Stone Age and has its sights set on survival, i.e. avoiding dangers and maximizing rewards. The brain is phenomenal at scanning the environment without us thinking about it. Up to as much as 80% of the impressions the brain takes in comes via sight! And even though the brain only makes up about 2% of the body weight, it consumes 20-25% of the energy our body uses.

Those of us who sit at school or have office jobs no longer have the benefit of scanning our surroundings all the time. Instead, we must learn new things and perform well. To do that, we need to cooperate with our cunning brains that want to keep track of everything around us.

The importance of attention and focus for learning and performance

Schoolwork and office work require that we have the ability to pay attention to the task at hand, not get sidetracked by other thoughts and not be distracted or distracted by other things.
In order to learn and remember so that the information "sticks", we have to think about what we read and see. We need to keep the information in our memory for a longer time, feel emotionally engaged and see a benefit with the information. Otherwise, we filter out the information to make room for other things that feel more relevant to us.
When we are distracted, the "memory process" is interrupted and the information does not stick as easily or we pay attention to the distraction instead.

How can QuietFrames make me more efficient?

So what do QuietFrames have to do with memory, learning and attention? When you use QuietFrames, several functions are affected which in turn make us learn and perform well. They limit the field of vision so that your brain does not have to process as many unnecessary visual impressions. There simply isn't as much for your brain to scan. Then you also avoid distractions in the periphery, which makes it easier to:

  • Maintain attention
  • Keep several things in the working memory and not lose the thread
  • Plan
  • Avoid being interrupted

Who benefits from QuietFrames?

Most have challenges concentrating at times, are disturbed by distractions and have difficulty focusing in open environments. But for those who are extra easily distracted or sensitive to impressions, QuietFrames can be the key to being able to complete their tasks. People who are highly sensitive (HSP) or have diagnoses such as ADHD or autism may be more easily distracted and/or sensitive to impressions than others. Having said that, QuietFrames is a tool that can be used by anyone who sometimes feels the need to have their own space - from the school student to the commuter, the student or the employee.


PS. If you are curious about how QuietFrames work in school, you can read more about it at




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