Here you can see our most frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, just submit your question via the form at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you.


Hjälper QuietFrames om man har npf?

QuietFrames reducerar synintryck vilket kan underlätta om man är lättdistraherad eller känslig för intryck. De är även avskärmande i ovankant vilket kan mildra skarpa ljuskällor.

Många av våra användare som hör av sig med positiv feedback har en npf-diagnos t.ex adhd eller autism.

QuietFrames riktar sig till alla som vill bli mindre störd av sin omgivning och öka sin prestation eller bara avlasta hjärnan från mängden intryck den bearbetar varje dag.

Can I use QuietFrames® instead of computer glasses?

It is perfectly possible to replace the computer glasses with a pair of QuietFrames®. Remember when you go to the optician to inform them that you use the glasses in front of the computer, so that your prescription is correct.

Finns QuietFrames i barnstorlek?

Storleken på QuietFrames går att reglera med hjälp av de justerbara skalmarna och näskuddarna. Skalmarna har gångjärn som gör att de flexar utåt för att inte trycka på tinningarna.

Till barn (från ca 8 år) finns QuietFrames i svart i en något mindre i storlek än brun och vit.

Kan skolor köpa in QuietFrames?

Skolor beställer enklast via orderformulär på där det går att beställa klassrumsuppsättningar och betala med faktura.

What are the shipping costs?

We deliver free of charge within Sweden. For delivery outside Sweden, please contact

How do I know if they fit?

Our QuietFrames® are currently available in a one size model which corresponds to approx. XS-M. The temples have flexible hinges that "enlarge" the model for those who need it. The nose pads and temple tips are adjustable that reduce the size slightly.

The inside measurement of the frame is 127 mm on the black color and 130 mm for the other colors. For those of you who need a larger bow - hold on, we have several models and sizes on the drawing board. Please get in touch with your wishes!

You have the right to return the product within 14 days if it does not fit, provided you did not order with individual lens corrections. If you are unsure - contact us for a sample (always recommended before ordering customised glasses).

How do I know if my prescription is working?

If you know that you have a major visual defect or need progressive lenses, we recommend that you contact us or a retailer to borrow a trial frame to take with you to your optician. This is to ensure that the pupil height is correct. Don't forget to tell us how you intend to use the glasses.

Is it possible to get it without blue light filter?

Of course, fill in your details in the form below and we'll sort it out!

How long is the delivery time?

The delivery time within Sweden is normally about 2 weeks.
Delivery to other countries takes about 3 weeks, 4 if you order customized lenses (with precription).

What is your return policy?

You can find our return policy here

What is the easiest way to purchase QuietFrames® as an employer?

If you want to order QuietFrames® for your employees, we will of course help you with administration and testing so that it is right. Contact or fill in the form below and we will get back to you shortly.

Can my employer pay for my QuietFrames®?

QuietFrames® are primarily a work tool that can increase your focus. It can be used in a workplace adaptation to give you the right conditions to carry out your work. For example, if you are in an open office environment.

We see it as an aid in cognitive ergonomics, i.e. in the same way that you may need an ergonomic office chair for your back, you may need QuietFrames® - an ergonomic tool for your brain!

QuietFrames® can also be used as computer working glasses. Talk to your employer about what applies in your particular workplace if you need computer working glasses.

Contact us via the form below if you would like more information.

I do not have an employer, is there other support for me?

If you are unemployed and in need of aids or adaptation, we recommend that you speak to your contact at the employment service. Often we can arrange a test together at no cost. If it works well for you, the employment service can decide to grant support. Please note that an assessment is made in each individual case and that we cannot influence the decision.

Do you offer eye examinations?

We do not offer any eye exams. You can have an eye examination at any optometrist. Don't forget to tell the optician how you intend to use your glasses (e.g. in front of the computer). If you know you need a larger vision correction or progressive lenses, we recommend that you borrow a trial frame from us to be able to measure the correct pupil height. Fill out the form below and we will contact you.

What kind of environmental policy do you have?

We work deliberately to avoid greenwashing, reduce transport, set demands on our suppliers and use the best materials possible from a sustainability perspective. It's a start - but it's never enough.

Our goal is to have an environmental policy that grows with us - the bigger we get, the higher the demands we must place on ourselves and our products.

Can you get help getting started?

We offer both help via our community and the opportunity to get personal coaching to get you started.

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