Brusreducerande glasögon med blåljusfilter

För inre lugn eller ökad prestation. Du bestämmer.

QuietFrames är en svensk innovation för visuell brusreducering®.

Visste du att upp till 80 % av alla intryck din hjärna bearbetar under en dag kommer från synen?
Föreställ dig hur mycket avlastning din hjärna kan få om du reducerar en massa onödiga synintryck...

Eller hur mycket din fokusförmåga kan öka om du sitter i en öppen kontorsmiljö och skulle kunna välja när du vill ta del av kollegor som passerar, digitala möten och korridorssnack...

Det är precis vad QuietFrames gör.


Se reportaget på där specialpedagogen Helene och 7-åriga Elise som använder QuietFrames berättar om hur QuietFrames funkar i skolan.

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Till inslaget

"I just put them on and it works"

Gloria Kraus, CEO of Hollbium and Little Snooze on what she likes so much about QuietFrames®.

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  • Brusreducerande glasögon som gör det enklare att fokusera i öppna kontorsmiljöer.

    Greater comfort at work and increased focus

    With QuietFrames®, you can create your own "bubble" in the middle of a lively and distracting office environment.

    While you send a signal to your brain to focus on the task at hand, your colleagues see that you do not want to be disturbed. You avoid unnecessary stand-by time and get more done!

    Quietframes® can be customized to your required visual correction - so you can combine computer glasses and focus aid!

    Read more on the website 
  • Fokusverktyg med blåljusreducerande komfortfilter för dig som sitter mycket framför datorn.

    Blue light reducing

    We only use the high quality lenses. A blue light-reducing comfort filter is included as standard whether you need vision correction or not, but it can be opted out. Anti-reflective treatment and scratch protection are also included. All lenses are cut and processed in Sweden.

    Read more on the website 
  • Brusreducerande glasögon som minskar onödiga synintryck och avlastar hjärnan

    Relief for the brain

    QuietFrames® reduces unnecessary visual impressions. That means less strain on the brain and wearing them can make you less tired.

    Are you sensitive to strong lighting? QuietFrames® are shielded at the top. It creates a calm and can reduce discomfort from strong led lighting in an office environment.

    Users testify to reduced headaches when using QuietFrames®.

    Read more on the website 

"They signal to the brain that it's time to focus"

"A tester's diary", from author Frida Spikdotter Nilsson about her first experience with QuietFrames®.

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  • Bild på Mia och Thorunn, grundare av Ambicare när de medverkar i Draknästet på SVT.

    AmbiCare participates in the Dragons Den.

    Shortly after QuietFrames® was launched, episode 2 of Dragons Den season 2 aired, featuring founders Thorunn Widö and Mia Skoog. Available on Svt Play.

    See the section 
  • Logotyp The Red Dot Award

    🎉 Winner 🎉

    QuietFrames® has been awarded the prestigious international Red Dot Design Award: Product Design 2023.

    To the blog 
  • Person som bär QuietFrames brusreducerande glasögon.

    Innovation in the workplace

    Many people have difficulties to focus in open office environments and choose to sit at home when they need to work undisturbed. With QuietFrames® you can create your own space regardless of where you are.

    See the movie 
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