
Mina QuietFrames har verkligen motsvarat mina förväntningar och till och med överträffat dem!

My QuietFrames have truly met my expectations a...

QuietFrames help Therese focus and make her less tired after a day at work. Staying focused in an open office environment can be quite difficult. If you also have a...

My QuietFrames have truly met my expectations a...

QuietFrames help Therese focus and make her less tired after a day at work. Staying focused in an open office environment can be quite difficult. If you also have a...

Hur kan QuietFrames göra att jag blir mer effektiv? Framsida till blogpost visar kvinna klädd i svart tröja som bär brusreducerande glasögon.

How can QuietFrames make me more efficient?

How can QuietFrames make me more efficient? Can a pair of glasses really affect my ability to focus and in what way can they make me feel less tired after...

How can QuietFrames make me more efficient?

How can QuietFrames make me more efficient? Can a pair of glasses really affect my ability to focus and in what way can they make me feel less tired after...

AmbiCare får Vinnova bidrag!

AmbiCare receives Vinnova grant!

AmbiCare receives Vinnova grant 🎉🎉🎉 It has been an intense autumn for us at AmbiCare, which is behind QuietFrames. Interest is high among schools and special educators and many classes...

AmbiCare receives Vinnova grant!

AmbiCare receives Vinnova grant 🎉🎉🎉 It has been an intense autumn for us at AmbiCare, which is behind QuietFrames. Interest is high among schools and special educators and many classes...

Sommaren är här!

Summer is here!

It has finally arrived - with sun and warmth and days off! As usual, it is FOCUS that is on our agenda, even if we are now to focus on...

Summer is here!

It has finally arrived - with sun and warmth and days off! As usual, it is FOCUS that is on our agenda, even if we are now to focus on...

QuietFrames tilldelas internationellt designpris

QuietFrames® is awarded an international design...

QuietFrames® has been awarded the coveted international design prize Red Dot Award : Product Design 2023. "Receiving such a prestigious award is obviously a great pleasure and we are incredibly grateful!"...

QuietFrames® is awarded an international design...

QuietFrames® has been awarded the coveted international design prize Red Dot Award : Product Design 2023. "Receiving such a prestigious award is obviously a great pleasure and we are incredibly grateful!"...

QuietFrames hjälper Niclas som har ADD att fokusera

QuietFrames® help Niclas, who has ADHD, to focus

Read the interview with Niclas where he talks about how he experiences QuietFrames® and how they help him to increase focus. In his blog "All thoughts at the same time" he...

QuietFrames® help Niclas, who has ADHD, to focus

Read the interview with Niclas where he talks about how he experiences QuietFrames® and how they help him to increase focus. In his blog "All thoughts at the same time" he...